Ooo I really like the part at 1:56 nicely done my friend. Ends a little abruptly but everything else in this is clean if you know what I mean. good work
Ooo I really like the part at 1:56 nicely done my friend. Ends a little abruptly but everything else in this is clean if you know what I mean. good work
Thanks for feedback!
This has a nice atmosphere but would be cool if there was more sounds in it.
Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely try to make my later music a bit more complex and less repetitive :)
Imo some parts sound similar to Joji. Haven't listened to him since smithereens released but there were points where I could imagine his vocals coming in. I guess it's parts like at 3:00.
Also man is this album almost done??? I can't wait to hear the finished result.
Not even close to done, no. Gonna be a while lol, sorry! Thanks for stopping by.
Sounds like your style is changing and I'm excited for you on that. This was a really refreshing track in that sense. And i would love to hear more like this.
I like trying new things, but I'll always go back to my roots. After all, I am a DM Dokuro clone :skull:
Thanks for the review!
U should try to fight it. Happened to me once and managed to get the appeal. Newgrounds is kind in my experience.
currently trying to do that
If you have $15 to spare I would recommend FL Studio Mobile it works perfectly on Android and I think it's easier to use than beepbox (I don't have much experience with beepbox tho so).
As for the song I think it's pretty nice. Don't know what happened with the last 15 seconds or so but I really like the energy this one has and the beginning slaps!
Thanks for the tip, I'm probably going to switch to that soon then because no matter how much charm a good ol' Beepbox has.. yeaah it kinda sucks lol
Sounds like it could use more instruments but I'm sure your working on that. I'll have to remember to revisit this one cause it definitely sounds like there's gonna be much more to it and I'm curious. :)
Thanks! Yeah I had to finish it up real quick for school but I’ll add on to it definitely.
It's like what would play during a wide shot in a sci fi movie.
Interesting interpretation! Glad you like it
That was a really fast 3 minutes. Piano is easy to miss but I think that is what holds everything together. My favorite part was definitely the beginning. You should try and do a longer version of something like that! (0-20 seconds in)
Yeah i felt it went by pretty quickly as well. Not super proud of this one, so I’m working on another track that I’ll submit that maybe’ll be a bit better.
Thanks for the review!
I really love the new vibe. I can imagine the contrast you would get listening to a different track then moving into this biome. Just sounds like it would fit well. and to me this one fits it's theme the best so far.
the phlemgoozling dishevelity of thines utmost mysopraxist is beyond my comprehension.
I am learning how to make music. I started learning early 2024. I'm so new to making music I honestly don't know at all of what to expect, but I've been having so much fun since I've started.
Age 21, Male
Joined on 9/18/18